ALAS20`s Organizer
ALAS20 is an initiative of GovernArt, a think tank and ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) advisory firm, with headquarters in Santiago, Chile. GovernArt is the founder, owner, and organizer of ALAS20 in Latin America.
About GovernArt
GovernArt has a deep knowledge of the agenda in corporate relations with its different stakeholders, including the use of methodologies and new international trends.
This approach gives top management and business management a platform of knowledge and experience, on which programs of sustainability, corporate governance, business ethics, and communications are developed.
For more information on GovernArt you can visit www.governArt.com, or contact Germán Heufemann, Managing Partner, directly at: german.heufemann@governart.com
GovernArt in Responsible Investment
Since May 2013, GovernArt has been part of the United Nations initiative that promotes responsible investment: UN PRI, www.unpri.org, being the first signatory of Chile to be accepted by the United Nations, formally adhering to the Principles of Responsible Investment as a Professional Services Provider, which allows us to advise various types of investors.
For more information on responsible investments click here.
GovernArt in Sustainability
GovernArt actively participates in pro-sustainability initiatives, including its own research and studies on new sustainability reporting guidelines. We invite you to review our report on GRI’s “Sustainability Integrated to Business» G4 guidelines. This document was commissioned to GovernArt by ACCION; It describes the main characteristics of G4 and practical cases for its implementation. You can download it here.
Co-Organizer of ALAS20 Colombia: International Center for Social Responsibility & Sustainability (Centro RS)
The International Center for Social Responsibility & Sustainability (Centro RS) is an articulating, non-profit organization created to facilitate alliances, synergies and opportunities, through knowledge management and the promotion of a culture of social responsibility and sustainability. Promotes, implements and disseminates projects, activities and actions that contribute to sustainable development, with emphasis on social, environmental and economic sectors, creating shared value.
One of the main tools of this organization is RS Magazine, a monthly publication specialized in social responsibility and sustainability, with more than seven years of circulation. It is mainly aimed at the private sector, especially business leaders, such as CEOs, board members, managers, managers of CSR areas, among others, although its target audience also covers the public, environmental, academic and social sectors. It addresses a robust database of important organizations and personalities from the sectors mentioned above. It also has a news portal, www.rsnoticias.com, which contains information from the printed magazine, as well as each of its editions in PDF format.
Co-Organizer of ALAS20 Peru: A2G
A2G Climate Partners collaborates with companies in their business strategies for sustainability, reporting and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and in eco-efficiency and climate compensation processes through carbon credits. It also develops Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) mechanisms, climate change mitigation strategies, sustainable use of water resources, energy efficiency, financial risk from climate change, avoided deforestation and payment for environmental services. A2G Climate Partners promoted the first inventories of greenhouse gases in Peru, being today the referent in the calculation of carbon footprints and water footprint, neutralization of greenhouse gas emissions and certification of services and products Carbon neutral. It currently has offices in Colombia and works in countries such as Japan, Spain, Denmark, Argentina and Mexico.
About ALAS20
Although many companies and professionals are working hard to integrate good practices of sustainable development into the core of their businesses, to date no recognition has been made of those who truly stand out for their leadership in the public disclosure of information on sustainability, corporate governance, and responsible investment. In response to this need, GovernArt made ALAS20 for the first time in Chile in 2014, and added Colombia and Peru in 2015, and Brazil and Mexico in 2016.
ALAS20 is an Agenda for Sustainable Leaders that promotes and recognizes those companies, investors and professionals who stand out for their leadership and actively contribute to sustainable development towards the year 2020, welcoming the third decade of the twenty-first century.
You can download the ALAS20 Terms of Reference here.
PTo request additional information on ALAS20, you can contact us at info@alas20.com
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Germán Heufemann
[mk_button dimension=»three» size=»medium» outline_skin=»dark» bg_color=»#f78e51″ text_color=»light» icon=»mk-moon-plus» url=»https://www.alas20.com/nosotros/german-heufemann/?lang=en» target=»_self» align=»left» id=»Buton ID» margin_top=»0″ margin_bottom=»15″]Read +[/mk_button][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/3″][vc_column_text]
Diana Rubinstein
[mk_button dimension=»three» size=»medium» outline_skin=»dark» bg_color=»#f78e51″ text_color=»light» icon=»mk-moon-plus» url=»https://www.alas20.com/nosotros/diana-rubinstein/?lang=en» target=»_self» align=»left» id=»Buton ID» margin_top=»0″ margin_bottom=»15″]Read +[/mk_button][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/3″][vc_column_text]
Erick Pichot
[mk_button dimension=»three» size=»medium» outline_skin=»dark» bg_color=»#f78e51″ text_color=»light» icon=»mk-moon-plus» url=»https://www.alas20.com/nosotros/erick-pichot/?lang=en» target=»_self» align=»left» id=»Buton ID» margin_top=»0″ margin_bottom=»15″]Read +[/mk_button][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=»#f4f4f4″ type=»normal» position=»center» thickness=»2″ down=»20″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=»1/3″][vc_column_text]
Arturo Caballero
[mk_button dimension=»three» size=»medium» outline_skin=»dark» bg_color=»#f78e51″ text_color=»light» icon=»mk-moon-plus» url=»https://www.alas20.com/nosotros/arturo-caballero-2/?lang=en» target=»_self» align=»left» id=»Buton ID» margin_top=»0″ margin_bottom=»15″]Read +[/mk_button][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/3″][vc_column_text]
Luisa Montes
[mk_button dimension=»three» size=»medium» outline_skin=»dark» bg_color=»#f78e51″ text_color=»light» icon=»mk-moon-plus» url=»#» target=»_self» align=»left» id=»Buton ID» margin_top=»0″ margin_bottom=»15″]Read +[/mk_button][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/3″][/vc_column][/vc_row]